Transform your CRM’s chaos into clear, actionable insights

VeryGood transforms CRM chaos into 'here's-exactly-what-to-do-next' clarity for your entire go-to-market crew. No more guessing, just knowing.

Stop drowning in pipeline reviews

We analyze your existing CRM data, emails, and call transcripts to surface exactly which opportunities need attention - no process changes required.

Know your next big move

Say goodbye to pipeline theater! We analyze your data to tell you which deals are actually moving (and which ones are just pretending). Focus on what truly drives revenue, not what looks good in slidedecks

Clear signals from noisy data

Your CRM data might be messy, but it contains gold. We mine your existing data to show you the true state of every opportunity in your pipeline.

Reality Check: CRM Perfection Is a Myth

You wouldn't write emails in haiku, so why obsess over perfect CRM setup? We work with your actual workflow - messy as it may be - to surface what matters: your next revenue-driving move.

First, we do a workshop

In 90 minutes, we map your ideal customer journey and success signals. This becomes your framework for identifying deal health across your entire revenue operation.

Your Custom Blueprint

Based on your revenue deep-dive, we create a tailored framework that defines what success looks like at each pipeline stage - no generic checklists, just your proven path to closed deals.

Smart Analysis, Simple Output

We analyze your CRM data, emails, and calls against your framework. The result? A straightforward spreadsheet showing exactly which deals need attention and what to do next.

Weekly Deal Intelligence

Every week, you get clear insights about your pipeline health and specific actions needed. Like having a revenue operations analyst on demand.

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